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We’ve entered unprecedented times. I don’t need to tell you that. There’s going to be a new future built, and the leaders of tomorrow will be chosen today.

Let’s start building now.

Why diaspora?

The Bitcoin standard seeks to upheave something rooted long before any of our lives. By accepting one culture, we must willingly leave behind another. It is our right to leave and find where we are treated best. We may leave for different reasons, but it does not matter. We are different, but we are the same. We are few, but we are so, so many.

Why desperado?

The word “desperado,” comes from the word desperate, or a person made reckless by despair. I’d say desperation is at the heart of human ingenuity. I’ve had the opportunity to look desperation in the face a couple times in my life. On the surface, this may sound paradoxical, but I’m more fortunate now because of it.

Bitcoin, for some, is the ultimate risk-on asset. For select others, it is risk-off. This divergence demands philosophical exploration.

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Crypto-Futurist, Engineer, Network State Believer


Crypto-futurism, economics, history, misc